Agriculture Economics Papua New Guinea Tapini LLG


A coffee rehabilitation program in Tapinin LLG is targetting farmer groups and individuals in a bid to increase coffee production in the LLG.

More than 60 Coffee Farmers in the Tapini LLG’s Thirteen (13) Council Wards in Goilala District of Central Province entered the programme carried out by CIC’s Central/Gulf Provincial Farmers Training and Extension Coordinator, Mr. Jorine Hetora accompanied by Tapini LLG Coffee Rehabilitation Project Coordination Team under Goilala DDA.

Southern Region CIC officer Mr. Joined Hetora in Tapini station.

The Senior Training Coordinator says there has been little improvement by farmers in the LLG since his engagement with Goilala District under an MOA with Goilala DDA and CIC in 2018 under Late Minister and MP Hon. William Samb to revive the coffee industry in the district.

Mr. Hetora further thanked the Goilala DDA under the current MP, Hon. Casmiro Aia for maintaining and supporting the Coffee Rehabilitation Programs by allocating K300, 000 each to the Three (3) LLGs to boost production as a district.

Mr Hetora conducting training

He says by organising the farmers into cooperative groups of 50 or more will accommodate every farmer member of the ward who can be assisted properly by the CIC, Government, Markets and relevant stakeholders in a more organized and orderly manner with funding and basic tools and materials.

“If we go by individual farmers given the resource pool in terms of funding support and distribution of tools and materials and that, we cannot afford to go farmer by farmer, it has to be in a group so that we have wide coverage of the farmers.

Preparing Coffee drying platform for training.

He continued by sharing some insights on the benefits and achievements by Ononge Coffee Growers Cooperative in Ononge, Wd7 – Woitape LLG as a cooperative in coffee.

Therefore, there is a greater need for coffee farmers in Tapini LLG to organize themselves into cooperative groups in order boost production to receive maximum benefits in coffee production. He says it will be five to six years before results will be seen.

The Tapini LLG Coffee Rehabilitation Project Coordinator under Goilala DDA, Mr. Anthony Kamo in addition also thanked Goilala DDA for making funding available to uplift production in Tapini LLG.

He says CIC is providing training, technical advice, guidance and awareness on top of basic tools and materials supplies by Goilala DDA. It is up to you the farmers to implement the rehabilitation programme.

Areas Covered in the training.

Day One

Construction of coffee parchment drying bed and preparation of training kits and venue.

Day Two

Theory and general Awareness.

Topics covered in the theory.

  1. Introduction
  2. Field Management
    4.Post Harvest and Quality Control
  3. Pests and Diseases
  4. Marketing
  5. Cooperative Society Groups
  6. General Questions

Day Three

Field Visits and hands-on rehabilitation practical demonstrations and applications.

Training in progress in Tapini.

CIC departs this afternoon while team continues to the rest of the wards.

By Anthony Morant

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