Goilala District Papua New Guinea


Yesterday at 4:21pm The National Executive Council has approved the Tolukuma Mine Access Road project which will link the remote Goilala area with Port Moresby. Acting Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu said Cabinet recently endorsed this priority impact project under the revised Memorandum of Agreement and released an initial K10 million to honour a State commitment made in 2008. The new road will connect to the existing Tapini Road that starts from the Aropokina junction of the Hiritano Highway to the Tolokuma Gold Mine, a distance of approximately 142.4 kilometres. “The funds will come out of the Rural Roads Program allocation in the 2010 budget. “This mine access road will greatly enhance the flow on benefits to both the mine and local communities. Currently, access to the mine site is via light aircraft. It will also improve the mine’s financial performance by reducing the current high aviation costs of transporting fuel and consumables and also open up this remote area to services not currently accessible to the people,” he said. The funding support from the Government is crucial for the project which will open up the economic potential of the Goilala District and the surrounding areas of Central Province. NEC has also endorsed the establishment of the Project Implementation Committee, including the engagement of a qualified technical project manager to oversee the implementation of the project and the relevant reporting relationship with the National Project Implementation Committee (NPIC). Approved for release! HON. SIR PUKA TEMU, MP Acting Prime Minister & Minister for Lands, Physical Planning and Mining

Goilala District

Goilala – Full oF Portential.

Goilala, first up is up in the highlands of Central Province. And the climate is temparate. Meaning its cold and cool.

Ideally, this is a climate were fresh nutrious food and vegetables can be grown.. rather is grown.
These vegetables include kaukau, sweet potatoes, ball cabages, chinese cabages, paw paw, pineapple, corns, pumkins, sugarcane, banana, jam, greens, beans of all types and breeds, apples, oranges, watermelons, guawa, kasawa, carrots, onions, spring onions. This is just a few that came to mind, but the list can grow and grow and grow.

Resources wise, we have Gold, TGM is one example and we got Olom, Saki, Kerau, Aigora, Minaru, Mt. Yule, Mt. Albert Edward, Sindo, all coming on board shortly…

We also got potential to grow and raise cattle, sheep, goats, chicken, piggery, fish farms.
We also got the potential for logging and handicraft production if you have tools.

Flying into Goilala by plane is 26 minutes to Woitape, 24 minutes to Ononge, 25 Minutes to Fane, 30 minutes to Tapini, 32 minutes to Sopu, 31 minutes to Kerau, 34 minutes to Guari, 35 minutes to Kamurai, 36 minutes to yongai.

By highway to Tapini, it takes 5 hours, but this timing is increased due to rough and poor road conditions.

Time and again, countless number of times, different people from different fields of expertize has come and gone, proclaiming how huge the potential is.
The media has come in and reported our potential far and wide. TV crew has come in and made productions and published worldwide.

Compared to other districts and provinces nationwide, Goilala stands a huge advange. The reason been that Port Moresby City with its ever increasing population is our main and sole market. Hotels, resaurants, schools, army barracks, hospitals, supermartkets, kai bars, and the small blackmarket sales man and woman. To top is off we have the main wharf right here in Port Moresby which we can export overseas if all goes well.

Having such a potential at the backyard of HAUS TAMBARAN [Waigani Parliment] not even the National Government realizes that. Even the Local MP for Goilala [former and present] does not even know that potential.
MAke is worse, these elected member[s] were once sleeping in this Goilala village, eating this fresh foods, drinking this cool fresh water, forgets all about it once he enters Parliment. Is it because he is too busy to even have a minute spared for his past?
Well if he is then, what is it that is keeping him busy? Because if it was Goilala that was keeping him busy then we would have seen some positive change back home… however sadly, that is not so.

The Central Provincial Government is also not bothered. Not even one of their Agriculture officials from the Provincial government goes up to Goilala on a field trip or such. ALl of them are down here at Konedobu working on god knows what…

Until someone start using his/her head from the top level down, we Goilala’s can continue to have that potential with nothing done about it.

Many The Good GOD have mercy on us… one Day.