Guari LLG


Land in Papua New Guinea is a very scarce and priceless commodity. Papua New Guinea is the only nation in the world where the people own the land. Country worldwide, it’s the opposite. The land is owned by the government and the people lease the land.

Guari LLG in Goilala District is an LLG plagued by Lawlessness and criminal activities. But that is a thing of the past now.

Breakthrough is been achieved by the local leaders from Guari LLG with the support of the District Administration Team and the Open Member for Goilala.

Now while that breakthrough is taking place, there is a silent patient suffering silently in silence.

That patient is the Guari Station.

Guari station sits on a land that has a long history of been disputed by different parties. All claiming to be legitimate land owners.

The Lawlessness and Peace and goodwill project that is been spearheaded by the various people in Guari, can be deemed unsuccessful if Guari station land ownership issue is unsettled.

Find here is what’s left behind of Guari after Land ownership became the authority over the availability of basic government services.

By Anthony Morant

This space is where I share what I personally want to share with you


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