Goilala District


Tolukuma Primary School is one of the top end primary schools in Goilala which was sanction and is managed by Petromin Holdings Ltd owned Tolukuma Gold Mines Ltd in the Tolukuma Gold Mine township.

TGM Primary School is one of the top performing schools in the Primary education sector in Goilala District and as such enjoys a steady supply of students and teachers all due to the mining operatings.

Goilalas from all corners flock to TGM primarily to seek employment hence, children of the local working work force are enrolled in this schools too. Relatives of the working local work force also get their small brothers, sisters and cousions, nephews and nices to stay with them and attend school here too.

The bustling economic activities within the TGM township, has also attracted settlers who live off selling of their sales they make on mine site. These lot of parents also have their kids enrolled in this school.

So generally, the student population in this school is never ending.

Over the years TGM Primary has supplied Tapini Sacred Heart with outstanding students whom have by now gone into the secodary level of education in various schools esp within Port Moresby and Central Province’s Sogeri National High School.

Strange enough though, 2014 G8s from TGM has been different. G8 students from TGM Primary were all sent to Laloki High school rather than Tapini Sacred Heart.

So why did we have last 2014’s G8’s student end up getting sent to Laloki and not Tapini?

Word on the street has it that the BOG and the TGM Head Master were so instrumental in seeing this arrangement get sanctioned and actioned.

When these G8 students from TGM got to Laloki High School, the Head Master of Laloki was reported to have told these students their names weren’t on the enrollment list for Grade 9 in 2015.

However should they want to still get enrolled, K2000.00 was the minimum required fees.

About 3 students amongst the 14 from TGM primary made their way to Tapini Sacred Heart High School and have got themselves registered.

Tapini Sacred Heart High School Head Principal Mr Arasu Ason with Fr Brian, the BOG Chairman when contacted confirmed they have received 3 ex TGM Primary school students already in school.

Father Brian Cahill, the Chairman of the BOG said ” Someone needs to get in touch with these students and advise them to make their way to the high school at Tapini to take up their offer for Grade 9 before close of enrolment at the end of next week.”

Asked why they were sent to Laloki and not Tapini, these 3 students said they were told TSHHS did not accept students from TGM.

Fr Brian denied any knowledge of this and stated there has to be reasons behind the management of TGM Primary deciding to send their students to Laloki and not Tapini SHHS.

Ensuring our Goilala students are prepared and educated adequately and fully, all avenues has to be exhauseted, and proper processes and procedures has to be followed. By doing so, the students are prepared to withstand the tests and trails they face in their educational journey.

Ill equipping them, with false and fabricated results and education only places the students in the danger of failing their exams, and having their future destroyed.

Such risks are and must not be allowed to occur within the Goilala District education systems. All responsible caring parents and leaders from Goilala has to step up and question which the futures of our children are been tempered with.

The BOG Chairman of Tapini Sacred Heart High School further cautioned this Blog that, “the actions of the BOG Chairman and Deputy Head Teacher for Tolukuma PS in wrongly advising their students’ G9 selections needs investigation.  They should be held accountable for putting out wrong advice, as well as defaming Sacred Heart High School in the process.”

TSHHS has been a “educational-feel-good” story for Goilala District and for that, there are processes and procedures in place to test and qualify incoming students

By Anthony Morant

This space is where I share what I personally want to share with you


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