Papua New Guinea


Central Province Corruption Elections Goilala District Guari LLG Papua New Guinea


There are 3 language groups in Goilala District. The most dominant and largely populated amongst the 3 of them are the FUYUGES.

Fuyuges have their Sub District Headquarters at Woitape. Tauwades have theirs in Tapini, which is also the District Headquarters. Gunimaipa speaking Goilalas have their in Guari.

In terms of population figures, Guari LLG has the least number of people, leaving the Tauwade speaking Goilalas enjoying the second place with the next most populated group leaving Fuyuge the undisputed kings when it comes to population.

Politics and political representations circles and dwells too much around numbers. The more people you have as your base vote, there is some chance you will make a play at the top post

So since 1975, did we have any political leaders from Guari LLG?

The answer to this question is YES and NO.

YES. Because we have had Honorable Andrew Ruddaka, who had a stint in that position from 1987 through to 1992. And Mathew Poia who had his share of governing Goilala’s affairs politically from 2007 through to 2012. These gentlemen are from Gunimaipa. Well they speak Gunimaipa language of the Guari LLG. And their villages fall under Guari LLG constituency.

NO. However according to a stunt patriotic Gunimaipa, this person still claims these two gentlemen are not from Gunimaipa. Well they are not “Pure Gunimaipa.”

Andrew Ruddaka is from Ghariri, and Mathew Poia ia from Ghelevis.

The Ghariri people (Andrew) are more or less bush Mekeos or coastal Goilalas. They speak a different language, sort of twisted out of the main Kunimaipa language. The Ghelevis (Mathew) are fitted in between the Ghariris and the Kunimaipas. Their language is also twisted, but not that aggressive. Both tribes dwell within the foothills of Mount Yule.

So if this is the case then who are the real Gunimapias? And where are these real Gunimaipas located within the Guari LLG?

Based on my information seeking mission, am told the real Kunimaipa speaking people take up the middle to the headwaters of Kunimaipa river. That’s from Kamulai Catholic Mission and Suasi upwards. It also crosses the ranges to Loloipa and Jova, ending at Jova river. From the headwaters of Kunimaipa river, the language also crosses the ranges to the Waria side (Morobe) where it ends. So the Kunimaipa language covers the two LLGs, Guari and Tapini, and also Waria in Garaina District of Morobe Province.

So it is fair to saying that Gunimaipa speaking Goilalas has not had any chance of heading Goilala’s office?

I would personally agree to go with this mindset because if Andrew Ruddaka and Mathew Poia where real full blooded Gunimaipas, maybe they would have spared a moment of their time and funds to develop Guari station.

Guari station as it stands now is a ghost town. There is literally nothing there. No presence of government services. The airstrip is closed, government houses all ruin and run down, schools closes, people have abandoned this town and nature has over taken it for goodness sake.

Guari in as far as Goilala politics and even Central Provincial politics is concern, is the BACKPAGE of a long rejected book. A book titled Goilala. And Guari forms the back pages of this book.

So why have the Gunimaipas not make a play at Goilala’s political leadership?

Amongst a host of reasons, one that stands out is, Gunimaipas don’t have the numbers. The population in this part of Goilala is been depleted down to just the old and unable, unfortunate and misfits. The able, educated and the physically able Gunimaipas have flocked into Port Moresby and Lae and they have settled into these places permanently. So when it comes to voting, Gunimaipas chip is mediocre numbers and end up losing out on seriously making a play.

And one thing that also must be mentioned about Guari LLG is, polling officials and polling teams that go into Guari LLG to host voting are the most bribed teams. Since there are not many people living in this part of Goilala, teams that fly into these areas to conduct elections end up double, triple and quadruple voting for their preferred candidates. Well candidates that have bribed this officials.

This is a known fact amongst the corrupt crooks who are now gearing up to get their puppets into the teams heading into Guari come 2017.

Central Province Goilala District Papua New Guinea Politics


Starting with Senior Louis Mona, who is always referred to as the BEST political figure to have headed and represented Goilala on the floor of Parliament through to the current Member for Goilal, who is non other than Honorable Daniel K Mona, who is the son of the pioneer Goilala MP, Fuyuges have dominated Goilala politics 95% of the time since 1975.

Senior Louis Mona even was the only Goilala MP to have been given a MINISTRY in any government. Since then, Goilala MPs have turned out to be number providers, rubber stamps and/or briefcase carriers.

But that’s not the point of this article.

Following is the different Fuyuge speaking Goilala MPs that represented Goilala on the floor of parliament at their various terms since 1975.

1. Louis Mona Senior.
2. Camilo Esef [1992-1997]
3. Ajax Bia [1997-2002]
4. Fabian Inne [2002-2007]
5. Daniel K Mona. [2012-2017]

One obvious reason why Fuyuge speaking Goilalas seem to get into power [under the previous FIRST PAST THE POST] voting system, was the fact that Fuyuges houses about 60% of the Goilala’s total population.

Fuyuge can and has been dictating the outcome of politics just by the voting power they have at their disposal.

But even with the recently used LPV system, Daniel K Mona got the nod ahead of the other candidates.

Mathew Poia been the sitting MP ran in second but the third and fourth place candidates – JIMMY GULOLO and TONY GABI KOPA was also from Woitape LLG.

So literally even if Gunimaipa and Tauwade speaking Goilalas try, 99 out of a 100, they are highly likely to loose.

So with such a prolong period of hold onto power by Fuyuges, has this translated into some physical change in Woitape LLG?

I am from Woitape LLG. Kosipe is the name of my small village. And as such, the good place to start the assessment off is at Woitape station.

Woitape station at present has an operating airstrip, which is covered with tall grass. Drainage is annually blocked, and the station is literally a ghost town.

There is no public markets for locals to sell their produce, and the government office there is empty, with broken windows and no locks on doors.

Police station is presumed to be operating but in reality is just 2 brickwall houses which the inhabitants who dwell in there make fires inside these houses and sleep in there.

Health Center is closed most of the time, And if pressed hard for mediction, outdated chroloquin tablets are given as medication and amoxicillin tablets are given to patients with chronic diases like TB.

Woitape Vocational centre is, or has been closed sice 1990s, and the only Lodge in Woitape, the Owen Stanley Lodge never used, with its fencing falling apart.

Communication in and out of Woitape is via a Telikom Visat disk that people have to line up to use this public phone boot. New comers to this place would think there is an ATM machine there so people are lining up to use it. LOL.

If Woitape is in such  sorry state, then what gurrantee is there indicate that Ononge, Fane, Yongai and Kosipe with Tanipai, will be spike & Span?

So that brings us to the hard question.


History does not seem favour the Woitape LLG constituency but the only undeniable fact that no one will take away from Woitape LLG is the VOTING POWER.

Goilala District



How can this two entities work together for the benefit of the people who call Goilala their home? Is it possible these two can work together?

Catholic Church has stood the test of time over time. Catholic Church has lived through thick and thin throughout time in Goilala District. Catholic came into

Mt Albert Edward - Courtesy of Fr Malota of Fatima Parish
Mt Albert Edward – Courtesy of Fr Malota of Fatima Parish

Goilala District well before any other church group came and Catholic has a following much larger than any other denomination in Goilala.

Catholic Church has its presence in literally all four corners of Goilala. Place where the government falls short to have its presence felt, the Catholic Church has its presence there. Remote it may be. Mountainous and very rugged the place and terrain may be. Catholic Church is there. Where no one wants to till the land, build a house, school the uneducated, attend a Sunday morning service, the presence of Catholic Church is always and ever present and readily, it was, is and will be.

SO why is our government not tapping into the vast network and resources of this silent yet visible companion?

Obviously the government has its own networks in place and is “functioning well,” however when it comes to unselfish, committed and undivided selfless provision of basic service to the long forgotten people of Goilala, Catholic Church beats all heads down.

Throughout Goilala District, the presence of Catholic Church is ever evident and felt and enjoyed and used by the locals.

In the Gunimaipa area, when Government station at Guari closed down, with the airstrip over taken by bushes, school closed, government building fallen to Guari Station - Guari LLG - 2011ruins, Kamulai Catholic Parish to this day is still functioning. Although the Kamulai airstrip is closed, the recently ordained Priest Father Jerry, a local Gunimaipa man is manning the Catholic Church there. And am sure the airstrip will be opened soon.

Kerau Catholic Mission maintains its presence up in the Aiwara area in Tapini Local Level Government constituency even after the government sponsored airstrip closed down. Catholic Churches in Oni Sene, Iveiava, Sopu and Lamanaip are operating with local Catechists over seeing weekly Sunday sermons and running of general Catholic Church programs locally.

Yongai Catholic Parish maintains the presence of health services and serves the people well, Ononge Catholic Parish does the same for the Lower Veitapu constituents in Woitape Local Level Government areas. Fane Catholic Parish does the same in Auga Dilava areas.

Kosipe Catholic Church also takes care of the Kosipe community school so is the Tanipai Catholic Parish that oversees and manages the Tanipai Community School. Kosipe Community School situation is a funny one because the locals decided they would run the affairs of the school themselves and as a result the school and the airstrip are both closed. Reason: Corrupt individuals picked up funding for the school and airstrip and abused it for their own gain.

Fatima Community School in Woitape, since its establishment and when governed under Government, the school suffered badly and come so close to been

This is going to be used as a bakery house
This is going to be used as a bakery house

closed. Since 2009, Catholic Parish has taken over and this Blog [] is been one of the avenues that has published the latest developments of Fatima Parish Community School.
The major testimony to the prudent sound and smart transparent manner in which Catholic Church manages and runs its affairs is evident in the only High School in the District – Tapini Sacred Heart High School. Since the Catholic Church took over the general management and control of it, the school has gone from been “one of those” schools in Central Province to been the best in the Province.

Tapini Sacred Heart came runner up in 2012 in the overall final year 10 examination results to been the top school in 2013.

One fact that stands unmoved is, the Government of Goilala District needs the help of Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not need the help of the Government.

This is one crucial element that the government of Goilala year in, year out has failed to realize, accept and embrace it. And has failed to its advantage and benefit.

With the corruption that has constantly drained the District of any good development, we the Goilala people are dying for that one wise leader who can identify the strengths and weaknesses present in our good District of Goilala and tap into strengths of these resources and utilize the strengths these resources to deliver the much needed basic services to the people.

Right now, the government is working in isolation. When I say Government, am referring to the Member for Goilala and his Officers, Goilala District Administration in Tapini and the 3 Local Level Government Presidents with their Ward Councilors.

Bereina Diocese and the Catholic Church are ever ready and are willing to help the Government deliver but these people are not coming out to seek us and lure us into their house. We are supposed to go knocking on their door. That is the thing our Government is lacking and is failing to do time and time again.

Again, the GOVERNMENT of GOILALA needs the CATHOLIC CHURCH to deliver the much needed services in Goilala. The CATHOLIC CHURCH does no need the GOVERNMENT to deliver much needed services in Goilala.

Goilala District Politics



Counting for the three ward presidents of the Goilala District has started, following successful completion of ward Councillors.

Counting for Tapini and Guari Local Level Government area has since been completed at Tapini, with a total of fourteen Councillors declared.

Guari is the smallest ward council area in the country with only four council areas.

While security allowances for police personnel has caused a minor hiccup this morning, officials are hopeful, that a president for the Guari area will be declared tomorrow, with Tapini to follow at the end of the week.

Meanhwile, counting for the Woitape Local Level Government area in the district is also into the president race.

Assistant Returning Officer for Woitape Jimmy Gulolo told NBC News, they are now counting for the president’s seat after nine councillors were declared yesterday for Woitape’s nine council wards.

Mr. Gulolo also says the counting process has been peaceful, and he anticipates the same air to end the elections.


Tapini and Guari LLGs goes into Eliminations – GOILALA DISTRICT

Tapini and Guari LLGs goes into Eliminations - GOILALA DISTRICT


Tapini has gone into the 5th Eliminations. And they aim to get down to the business end of the counts tomorrow. After 5th elimination for Tapini LLG President Seat counts…the ladder stands as…

1. Michael Moro – 761
2. Keleto Kope – 583
3. Anthony Onne – 403
4. Allan Kaurupu – 379
5. John Anamala – 319

Guari LLG went into the last count of the First Preference Votes – count 9 – and closed shop to start on the eliminations tomorrow.

Guari President Count 7 and progressive total as follows;

1. Balai Patrick – 990
2. Mathew Poia – 370
3. Thaddus T. Haiva – 200
4. John Kiar – 175
5. Steven T. Javoi – 165

Woitape LLG has completed its normal Ward Councilor counts for all 9 wards today, declaring Ward 6, 7,8 and 9 Wards today. [refer to picture].

PNG FM NEWS FEED… with Belinda Kora, tomorrow at 8. We have locked down Daniel Riolo at Tapini as the spokes person who will talk to PNG FM News Crew and we also locked down Philip Kiso [who told me he lost my number] to be on standby at Woitape.

I will ensure these two gentlemen are online and available before PNG FM News Crew calls them.

Thanks to our sources on the ground and thanks also to GFI team for the flex top up for our Tapini sources.

Special mention to PNG FM Crew, for making time available to air our Elections Updates.

Long Live the GOILALA Dream.
Top Evening.

Goilala District Politics




TAPINI LLG Presidential standings after counts 9 & 10.

1. Michael Moro – 761
2. Keleto Kope – 577
3. Anthony Onne – 402
4. Allan Kaurupu – 378
5. Buni Morua – 316

This is the tally after counts 9 & 10 elimination progress.

Guari LLG has completed its Council Wards counting and has declared all their councilors to date. It is highly likely Presidential counting will kick off tomorrow.

Woitape LLG has gone as far as Ward 5. And tomorrow will see them start with Ward 6. With the population figures available, they should see them complete all wards and head into Presidential come Thursday.